The main goal of this approach is to register on the Microsoft Azure website and configure our app to run on remote server. With our guide below it is much more easier that may sound 🙂

Why is it better:

Step by step guide:

  1. Open the following link:

  2. Click Free account


  3. Then Start free


  4. Then Create one


  5. Create an account


  6. Check your mail, you should get an email with verification code.


  7. Paste the code in the field below and click Next


  8. Now you should solve a simple puzzle so the website will know you’re a real person and not a robot.


  9. Here’s an example of such puzzle.


  10. Fill in all required fields


  11. The last step is credit card validation. You’re going to be charged $1 with instant refund. Don’t worry, we will show you how to cancel the subscription.

    <aside> 💡 We recommend creating a virtual card in your bank app. Throw 1$ on it and link the account to the card, so you do not need to worry about canceling the subscription – after 30 days of trial Azure simply will not be able to charge the card. If you have registered for the main card, no problem – read the instructions below.



  12. After registration is complete open control panel using the following link: and select Virtual machines


  13. Click Create and then select Virtual machine


  14. Make sure to set/modify only the fields listed below:



  15. Now open Advanced tab, copy source code from this page and paste it in Custom Data field


  16. Now click Review + create


  17. Double-check that we’ll be charged from the given credits amount and not from our credit card, and then click Create


  18. Click Download private key and create resource


  19. Now wait for creation process will complete. Deployment is in progress should change


    to Your deplooyment is complete


  20. To make sure everything is working fine, open control panel again and select created machine


  21. Then click Overview on the left and select Monitoring tab to see system loading charts. They are refreshed once per 5-10 min, so you should wait a bit after creation.


  22. Yay! You create virtual machine successfully. Feel free to repeat steps 12-19 several times to create even more machines 🚀

    <aside> 💡 If you can’t create server the step 14, try selecting different region (Region) — this might be related to the limit of the amount of machines in one region.


đź’°Bonus: how to cancel subscription

Azure gives you 200$ of free credits but we need to cancel the subscription to avoid extra charges of your credit card when 200$ will be finished.

  1. Open Billing dashboard

  2. Choose Azure subscriptions and then open your active subscription

    <aside> ⚠️ Warning! Do this only on the last day of the subscription. Cancelation will delete all machines.


    Valerii Palamarchuk - Microsoft Azure 🔊 2022-03-24 12-03-53.jpg

  3. Click Cancel subscription

    Azure subscription 1 - Microsoft Azure 🔊 2022-03-24 12-02-37.jpg

  4. Choose Ignore and cancel(1) and insert into second field (2) the name of your subscription (selected in green), and select the first options for the third field (3). Then click Cancel subscription (4).

    Are you sure you want to cancel subscription Azure subscription 1 - Microsoft Azure 🔊 2022-03-24 12-06-16(1).jpg

  5. That’s all. Cancelation process was started. You will receive an email with confirmation and the subscription will be canceled 💪